Steps To Place An Order On Skinorac
Step: 1
Ensure you sign in to your account before placing an order, or if you're new, register. Registration is essential either at this stage or during the order placement process.

Step: 2
Skinorac provides diverse product categories. Easily navigate through the 'Shop Now' dropdown or use the search box to locate your desired product.

Step: 3
Upon entering the page displaying listed products, click on the product's name or image to view pricing and dosing information.

Step: 4
Select your preferred dose and quantity, then click the "Add to cart" button.

Step: 5
In your cart, choose to continue shopping or proceed to checkout. Click "proceed to checkout," remembering to apply any coupon codes before finalizing the order.

Step: 6
Provide your address information here for both billing and shipping. Ensure accuracy to facilitate a smooth delivery process.

Step: 7
Fill out the form indicating any relevant medical conditions. This information is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of the recipient or user.

Step: 8
Choose your preferred payment method from the available options.

Step: 9
Click the "place order" button, and your order will be created, redirecting you to the payments page.

Step: 10
Following a successful transaction, your order will be shipped within 24-48 hours!